It’s practically here!

Summer Reading is HUGE here at the Lee-Itawamba Library System! This FREE program takes place from June 3—July 31 for children and teens ages 0—18. Our goal is to encourage a love of reading and discovery for everyone! We will have educational programs for all age groups, including in-person performers like our Live Animal shows! This year’s theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library.”

Registration begins on May 28, 2024. Sign up to receive your first reading log and tote bag and runs all summer long. You can turn in your reading log each week to receive a weekly prize and a Grand Prize entry slip for a drawing at the end of the summer. You set your own reading goals each week—by book, page, or minutes—we just want you to enjoy reading! Participating in Summer Reading can help you explore new interests, discover new favorite books, and try out new reading formats.

Calendars with specific program dates will be available in early May.

Come go on an adventure with us!

Not just for kids.

This summer we are also planning to offer a reading challenge for adults!

Stay tuned.